Inspired by Gratitude

We have reached the time of year when we pause to take measure of the many ways in which our lives have been blessed. In honor of Thanksgiving, last week I posed the question:

What are you most thankful for this year?

Five experts were gracious enough to share the things for which they are most thankful. The responses are as varied as our group of experts — but are such great reminders for us all to stop to smell the roses and to find success in the smallest triumphs and blessings. I am most thankful for the opportunity to serve women, and for those who continue to join me in bringing valuable insights to this readership.

“I am thankful for my life and the coaches that have helped me to grow in 2010.  You see, early in 2009 I was told that I had some serious medical conditions.  They told me I may not see 2010 if I did not make some changes in my life right away.  Fortunately, I was able to connect with the right people who taught me what I needed to do — even when the choices were not easy.  LIFE IS WONDERFUL!

One thing I have been doing every day for about 3 years now, is counting my blessings.  Every morning and every night before I go to bed, I create (sometimes I write and sometimes I speak) a list of at least 10 things I’m thankful for.  Sometimes the list is filled with “big” or “complex” things and other times it has “simple” things like:
* a bed to sleep in and a home I feel safe in,
* the beautiful blue of the sky;
* the delicious meal my husband made; or
* the sound of my son’s laughter.

I call it my “golden list” and over the years I have taught many friends and clients to do the same.  No matter how bad things seem in your life, there are always numerous things to be thankful for.

I’m a productivity consultant/coach and I have found that clients that practice this are consistently getting more done!  When you focus on the positive things in your life, you are able to concentrate better which ultimately leads to better productivity

In 2010 I expanded on my golden list to include at least one tweet a day about something I was giving thanks for. Today my tweet will be about the opportunity to share this news with you.  Have a wonderful day!”

Stephanie LH Calahan (@stephcalahan), Founder of Calahan Solutions

“After being downsized in 12/08; I literally handed my snow brush to a random stranger in the PetSmart parking lot in Chicago and relocated back to Florida from Chicago. I drove 3,954 miles over Florida going on countless interviews and 20 months later – finally found an amazing job as the new Community Manager for Jane Nation; an online women’s community.”

Karen Moran (@janenation and @Ad_chickadee), New Community Manager for the online women’s community, Jane Nation

“That we’re all still here. As you get older you realize that there are no good or bad days. Every day is a good day.”

Ivan Walsh (@IvanWalsh), Creator of The Web Business Plan

“I am most thankful for having the support of my friend, family and most importantly my husband. He is completely supporting my entrepreneurial endeavors and is fully confident in my ability to succeed, even in moments when I doubt myself.”

Lauren MacEwen (@laurencubed), Primary Strategist and Creator of SM Cubed Consulting

“I am thankful every day for the opportunity to help other people, learn and grow in the process.  I’ve finally figured out what I want to be when I grow up!  And I get to do it every day.”

Stephanie Padovani (@bookmorebrides), Co-founder of Book More Brides

This week’s question is –

With just one month left until year-end, what challenge will you commit to tackling before the ball drops on New Year’s Eve?

Why should I join the discussion?

Because this online forum is a great place for us to exchange ideas, learn from each other and network.  My goal is to unite successful women entrepreneurs to share our insights and solutions to the challenges we most commonly face in our businesses.

How do I get involved?

Every Monday I will post a new Question of the Week. This is a great opportunity for you to bring your expertise to the table.  Using the NEW link below, please submit a one paragraph response by Saturday, and the following week I will share our community responses on my blog.

To submit your response CLICK HERE

I look forward to your response to this week’s question! If you have any questions you know where to find me. Have a great week!

2 Trackbacks

  1. […] enjoy hearing about the things for which you are most grateful. Other people’s stories help me keep challenges in perspective, and my focus on the things that are most important in my […]

  2. […] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Dr. Shannon Reece, Dr. Shannon Reece. Dr. Shannon Reece said: What are you most thankful for this year? @janenation @bookmorebrides and other experts tell us […]

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